Usługi i ceny master Татьяна Петрова (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne
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Татьяна Петрова
Age: 48 years old
Education: Samara State Pedagogical University, preschool pedagogy and psychology, teacher,
Add. education: St. Petersburg State University, psychology, medical psychologist
Add. education: Samara State Pedagogical University, psychology, educational psychologist
Add. Education: St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute named after. V. M. Bekhtereva Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, laboratory of clinical psychology, fundamentals of medical psychology and psychodiagnostics, postgraduate training
Add. education: Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (St. Petersburg), basics of group and family psychotherapy for children and adolescents, advanced training
Add. education: Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology (Moscow), basics of psychocorrection of children and adolescents, advanced training