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Анастасия Мучинская (Saratov) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Анастасия Мучинская (1)

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Konsultacje indywidualne 2500 rub
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Анастасия Мучинская

My name is Anastasia Muchinskaya, I am an expert in the field of family psychology. For more than 12 years now I have been accumulating knowledge in the psychological field. During this time I:
- Graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of SSU named after. N. G. Chernyshevsky.
- I have been consulting parents on the problematic behavior of their children for more than a year.
- In my arsenal I have a large number of effective tools that help parents improve relationships with their children, as well as avoid causing injury to the child due to mistakes in parenting.

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