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Ирина Окружнова (Saratov) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Ирина Окружнова (1)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
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Ирина Окружнова

I am a certified psychologist, coach, and expert on family relationships. She created a center for teenagers, was the director and psychologist there for 9 years, organized the work of a city helpline, worked not only with teenagers, but also with their parents. I have awards and incentives for my work at the regional and federal levels.

I am the author of numerous trainings, master classes and programs for women on the topic of family and parent-child relationships.

I have conducted more than 400 individual consultations, 56 trainings and master classes, and I work in a family center.

Over 18 years of working in the topic of relationships, I have accumulated my own specific experience and I am happy to share my knowledge and experience with my clients.

I continue to study and constantly develop myself as a specialist.

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