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Никита Волынчик (Saratov) Psycholog

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Никита Волынчик

I am a psychologist who helps to tame those very “harmful cockroaches” living in your head. Those cockroaches that prevent you from achieving your desired goals, building the life of your dreams, being free in your choice, as well as feeling the fullness of life and joy from every day you live.

Perhaps many of you have noticed the following phenomenon: you know what you should do in a particular situation, but for some reason you act completely differently. Moreover, as a result of the decision you make, events turn against you, and a sea of ​​negative feelings and emotions arises inside.

What makes you go against common sense and unknowingly ruin your life?

These are deep unconscious programs (beliefs that limit you), those very “harmful cockroaches” that I wrote about above.

It is these unconscious programs that I work with. Helping you discover them and then replace them with new installations (expanding your capabilities and opening the doors to your new desired future).

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Saratov, Leninsky р-н, Международная улица, 2А
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