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Юлия Новикова (Saratov) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Юлия Новикова (1)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne 1500 rub
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Юлия Новикова

Good afternoon, I am a practicing psychologist, my name is Yulia. I provide individual psychological counseling online. The experiences, doubts, demands that you are experiencing now are important. Your internal response to the psychologist’s questionnaire is the most valuable thing that you can discover inside yourself right now and try to entrust your inner state to a specialist.
If you are looking for a psychologist, it means you want and are ready for changes in your life, and perhaps need help. I believe in human vitality, in the ability to seek and find the best and most suitable way to live.

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