na Barb już 48 miesięcy
W domu | |
Saint Petersburg, Admiralteyskiy dist, улица Ефимова, 4А |
700 rub / - |
I regularly visit Olga for procedures. I do facial treatments and sometimes waxing. Olga is a wonderful specialist, she will always advise and recommend procedures......
na Barb już 45 miesięcy
W salonie | |
Saint Petersburg, Admiralteyskiy dist, Гороховая улица, 60 |
1500 rub / - |
na Barb już 49 miesięcy
Adres | |
Saint Petersburg,
Admiralteyskiy dist Серпуховская, 27 к1, (Бронницкая ул., д.24) 1 этаж |
1600 rub / - |
Pigment spots on my face are a big problem for me; they appeared after pregnancy, no matter how hard I tried to remove them, it was all......
na Barb już 39 miesięcy
Adres | |
Saint Petersburg,
Admiralteyskiy Спасский переулок 3 |
2800 rub / - |
I contacted the “Litsa” cosmetology center with a problem of age spots, which had worsened after a trip to the sea; independent attempts to get rid of......
na Barb już 48 miesięcy
W salonie | |
Saint Petersburg, Admiralteyskiy dist, Московский проспект, 13 |
400 rub / 10 min. |
na Barb już 48 miesięcy
Adres | |
Saint Petersburg,
Admiralteyskiy dist пр-кт Московский, 22 |
- / - |
The SMT clinic is a good place where you can get yourself in order. Recently I started going for a massage for wrinkles on my face.......
na Barb już 48 miesięcy
Adres | |
Saint Petersburg,
Admiralteyskiy dist Московский проспект, 7, цокольный этаж |
900 rub / - |
na Barb już 45 miesięcy
W salonie | |
Saint Petersburg, Admiralteyskiy dist, метро Адмиралтейская |
2000 rub / - |
na Barb już 48 miesięcy
W domu | |
Saint Petersburg, Admiralteyskiy dist, Курляндская улица |
1000 rub / 90 min. |
na Barb już 45 miesięcy
W domu | |
Saint Petersburg, Admiralteyskiy dist, жилой комплекс Галактика |
1000 rub / 60 min. |
na Barb już 45 miesięcy
W domu | |
Saint Petersburg, Admiralteyskiy dist, 1-я Красноармейская улица, 15 |
- / - |
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12:28 Наталья звонок
12:20 Нелли Цатурова telefon