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Saint Petersburg

Анна Григорьева (Saint Petersburg) Masażysta

Usługi i ceny master Анна Григорьева (1)

Masaż i SPA (1)
Masaż dla dzieci 850 rub
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Анна Григорьева

Hello! Let me tell you about myself: I am a nurse with experience in anesthesiology and therapy, I have been practicing classical massage since 2017.

Today I am a certified specialist in children's massage and gymnastics for children from 0 to 3 years old. As a mother of 2 children, I know from my own experience that it can be very difficult with children: dysplasia, hypotonia and hypertonicity, torticollis, prematurity and unstable tummy function unfortunately occur in many babies. We will work together, and your baby will definitely enjoy these activities!
I conduct massage courses for:
- prematurity;
- torticollis, impaired muscle tone (hypotonicity and hypertonicity);
- hip dysplasia;
- clubfoot and flat feet;
- restorative massage for babies whose development coincides with the norms.

I teach mothers the basics of baby massage: we develop a massage and gymnastics complex for your baby, based on indications and characteristics. I teach you how to massage your baby. Along the way, I give explanations and tell how and why we do a certain movement or technique. Next, you do the full course yourself! I support and advise on all questions!
Education: St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. I. P. Pavlova Medical College,
Add. Education: Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen Psychology and Pedagogy Bachelor's Degree
Add. education: Children's massage courses at the "School of Massage Masters"
Add. education: Classical massage courses at Grand Secret school

Opcje recepcji (2)

U specjalisty w domu
Saint Petersburg, Vasileostrovskii dist, территория Петроградская сторона
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
U klienta w domu
Saint Petersburg, территория Петроградская сторона
   Wyjazd do regionów St. Petersburg
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
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Opcje recepcji (2)

Recepcja domowa

Saint Petersburg, Vasileostrovskii р-н, территория Петроградская сторона
Pokaż grafikę
Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (921) 367-...
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Wizyta domowa

Wyjazd do regionów St. Petersburg
Pokaż grafikę
Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (921) 367-...
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