Znajdź specjalisty urody i zdrowia
Saint Petersburg

Александр Ш. (Saint Petersburg) Fotograf, fotograf ślubny, fotograf rodzinny, fotograf dziecięcy

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Александр Ш.

I don't just make videos, I create a film about your day! Professionals in their field work with me: videographers, photographers, presenters, DJ & MC, makeup artists, costume designers, hairdressers and even barbers. Not only single-camera shooting is available to you, but also versatile multi-camera shooting. I make films not only about weddings, but also about birthdays, christenings, farewells to the army and meetings from it, I really love filming in kindergartens and matinees in schools, I shoot Love Story and music videos, advertising and corporate filming. With me you can be sure of the confidentiality of filming. When you hire me to photograph an event, you understand the main thing - amazing memories will always accompany you, the pleasure of spending time with me and my colleagues will remind you that trusting the professionals was the right decision! And trust me to take care of the result!

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U klienta w domu
Saint Petersburg
   Wyjazd do regionów St. Petersburg
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
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Wyjazd do regionów St. Petersburg
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (903) 093-...
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