Znajdź specjalisty urody i zdrowia
Saint Petersburg

Ирина Павлова (Saint Petersburg) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Ирина Павлова (1)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne
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Ирина Павлова

Are you facing personal or family difficulties and feel the need for professional help from a specialist? I will be glad to help you in solving life situations that arise.

I am ready to accompany you on the path of overcoming stress and anxiety, personal and age-related crises, uncertainty and lack of confidence in your own strengths and qualities to achieve success.

I work with adults.

Problems in which I can be useful: stress, fears, panic attacks, apathy, conflicts in the family and at work, divorce, grief and loss.

Business consulting.

I am a member of the Association for Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy.

I constantly improve my professional level, undergo personal therapy and supervision.

I carry out all types of psychological activities in compliance with the Code of Ethics of a Psychologist.

My guarantees: confidentiality, honesty, quality, specificity, results.

Opcje recepcji

U specjalisty w domu
Saint Petersburg, Kalininsky dist, метро Академическая
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
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Opcje recepcji

Recepcja domowa

Saint Petersburg, Kalininsky р-н, метро Академическая
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (931) 351-...
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