Znajdź specjalisty urody i zdrowia
Saint Petersburg

Раиса Наумова (Saint Petersburg) Trener fitness

Usługi i ceny master Раиса Наумова (2)

Trening (2)
Osobisty trening fitness 1500 rub
Безлимит на 1 месяц 20000 rub
Абонемент в зал (1)
Безлимит на 1 месяц 20000 rub
Połącz taryfę

Раиса Наумова

I am a trainer of proprietary strength and functional programs, as well as a licensed trainer of the Iron System program. In my work, I use knowledge from the field of physical education, sports, medicine and create the most useful and comfortable training for you. I work to achieve any of your goals: losing weight, gaining muscle mass or restoring motor functions after injuries and illnesses.

Opcje recepcji

W salonie
Saint Petersburg, Moskovsky dist
   Victory Park
   Pokaż grafikę
Brak jasnego harmonogramu
Pokaż kontakty specjalistyczne

Opcje recepcji

Recepcja w salonie

M Victory Park
Saint Petersburg, Moskovsky р-н
Pokaż grafikę
Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (911) 810-...
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