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Saint Petersburg

Овсеп Мартикович Барсегян (Saint Petersburg) Chirurg plastyczny

Usługi i ceny master Овсеп Мартикович Барсегян (7)

Chirurgia plastyczna twarzy (4)
Blepharoplastyka od 58000 rub
Operacja redukcji czoła od 110000 rub
Lifting operacyjny twarzy od 250000 rub
Cheiloplastyka od 65000 rub
Mammoplastyka (chirurgia plastyczna piersi) (3)
Powiększenie piersi od 240000 rub
Podniesienie piersi od 360000 rub
Lipofilling piersi od 30000 rub
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Овсеп Мартикович Барсегян

Back in my school years, after watching numerous TV series about plastic surgery, I firmly decided that I wanted to become a surgeon. At that time, this decision was not deliberate and youthfully naive, but since childhood I was accustomed to achieving all my goals and this time I also did not intend to give up. Having gone through the difficult path of training as a surgeon, my consciousness has changed significantly. Quite quickly, youthful naivety was replaced by prudence and punctuality, slight weakness in the legs at the sight of blood was replaced by hand work brought to the point of automatism. However, something remains unchanged for me: this is the sanctity of human life, health and beauty, this desire to help people find harmony, and most importantly, this desire to leave behind a good name and a worthy legacy

Opcje recepcji

W salonie
Saint Petersburg, Primorsky dist, Матроса Железняка, 57 лит А
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Opcje recepcji

Recepcja w salonie

M Pionerskaya
Saint Petersburg, Primorsky р-н, Матроса Железняка, 57 лит А
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (967) 570-...
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