Znajdź specjalisty urody i zdrowia
Saint Petersburg

Olympia (Saint Petersburg) Salon piękności

Połącz taryfę


Field of activity: Cosmetology

Hair removal/depilation: laser
Cosmetology services: peeling, injection procedures, hair removal
Beauty services: Botulinum therapy, Depilation, Bikini hair removal, Deep bikini, Lower leg hair removal, Breast hair removal, Facial hair removal, Leg hair removal, Hair removal by type of procedure, Hair removal by zone, Arm hair removal, Back hair removal, Upper lip hair removal, Waxing, Deep bikini for men , Intimate hair removal, Classic bikini, Massage, Leg massage, Massage by zone, Men's hair removal, Thread lifting by zone, Thread lifting, Plasmolifting of the neck, Plasmolifting, Sugaring, Total bikini, Hair removal

Place of work - at the address

Adresy salonów

Admiralteyskiy район
  Saint Petersburg,
Малодетскосельский проспект, 26
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu

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Adresy salonów


Saint Petersburg, Admiralteyskiy р-н

Малодетскосельский проспект, 26
Pokaż grafikę
Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (911) 922-...
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