Chirurgia plastyczna twarzy (3) | |
Blepharoplastyka | od 25000 rub |
Otoplastyka | od 25000 rub |
Lifting operacyjny twarzy | od 85000 rub |
Chirurgia plastyczna ciała (1) | |
Operacja plastyczna brzucha | od 85000 rub |
Mammoplastyka (chirurgia plastyczna piersi) (2) | |
Powiększenie piersi | od 70000 rub |
Podniesienie piersi | od 85000 rub |
Plastyka stref intymnych (1) | |
Waginoplastyka | od 30000 rub |
Individual approach in plastic surgery. Active member of the Association of Plastic Surgeons ROPREKH. 20 years of experience in the healthcare system.
Surgut, Озёрная ул., 2 | |
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23.01.2024 Olga
So my dream has come true! This is the second month after the operation, of course, every day the face is different, the internal stitches are healing. I am following all the doctor’s recommendations. I express my deep gratitude to Marina Evgenievna for her golden hands, pay attention! I would like to wish only grateful patients! Health to you and your loved ones! Marina Evgenievna, you are a master of your craft! I have scheduled another surgery with you! Wait!