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Игорь Мишустин (Tomsk) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Игорь Мишустин (1)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne 1200 rub
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Игорь Мишустин

Studied at Tomsk State Pedagogical University in the field of special psychology and pedagogy. Specialized in trauma therapy (shock trauma, bereavement trauma, violence trauma, developmental trauma) and methods of therapeutic work with post-traumatic stress disorder.
I'll tell you what I'm working with: loss of “taste” and joy of life, self-confidence, destruction of expectations; when existing methods no longer work, and new ones cannot be found. Family therapy - conflicts, painful experiences, decreased interest in relationships, inability to agree and hear each other. Psychological support for teenagers. Shock trauma therapy (accidents, disasters, accidents) - support in restoring integrity after the incident, living with and resolving trauma.

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