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Екатерина Егорова (Tyumen) Psycholog

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Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne 2500 rub
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Екатерина Егорова

I help save the family, improve relationships with my husband, improve relationships with children. Why do I most often help with these requests? I have been married for 12 years, I know first-hand about crises in marriage, I know in theory and in practice that a good relationship with my husband is work, most often on oneself, but not sacrifice.

My own motherhood is not a fairy tale about the land of Pink Unicorns or a glossy magazine story. Parental burnout, childhood crises, maternal fears, anger, powerlessness, guilt - I not only studied these and many other delights of motherhood in theory, but also learned on my own skin.

I know how difficult it is. I know how important this is. Therefore, I help mothers professionally, psychologically, in their difficult but important task.

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