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Виталий Дудин (Tyumen) Psycholog

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Виталий Дудин

My name is Vitaly Dudin, I am a psychologist, a specialist in solving life’s difficulties, a candidate of psychological sciences. Since childhood, I have been interested in what the soul is and where it “lives.” I liked to think about it and build my theories. When I saw that someone was feeling bad, I wanted to listen and help.

Personally, I faced many fears and anxieties, my self-esteem decreased, I devoted a lot of energy to searching for the meaning of my existence, made morally difficult choices, experienced obsessive states, and experienced difficult relationships. . .

Of course, psychology and my colleagues helped me in solving all these problems.

In my work I use an integrative approach, combining methods of the main psychotherapeutic directions (psychodynamic model, Gestalt, cognitive behavioral therapy, existential therapy).

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