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Рустэм Калимуллин (Ufa) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Рустэм Калимуллин (1)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
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Рустэм Калимуллин

Professional psychologist, professional experience since 2001. I taught psychology at a university, worked as a psychologist in an organization, and have been in private practice for more than 15 years. I advise on issues of personal self-realization, self-determination in the profession and in life. I work with addictions, eating disorders, fears, anxieties, apathy. . . I help get out of crisis situations, cope with chronic stress and burnout. Author of the concept of zero morbidity. A descendant of healers, in addition to the classical methods of psychology, I also use methods that activate the healing and creative potential of the brain. Inventor, author of innovative developments in the field of prevention of psychosomatic diseases and strengthening the immune system.

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