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CosmoClinic (Ufa) Студия пирсинга

Usługi i ceny salon CosmoClinic (15)

Kosmetyka twarzy (4)
Ultrasonic face cleaning
Powiększanie ust
Peeling chemiczny
Peeling twarzy
Masaż i SPA (2)
Antycellulitowy masaż ciała
Masaż ciała
Tatuaż i piercing (4)
Przekłuwanie uszu
Przekłuwanie uszu
Pielęgnacja ciała (2)
Biorewitalizacja ciała
Mezoterapia ciała
Odbudowa i rekonstrukcja włosa (1)
Plazmolifting skóry głowy
Usuwanie włosów (1)
Chirurgia plastyczna ciała (1)
Połącz taryfę



Services: Alginate mask, Anti-cellulite massage, Hardware cosmetology, Non-surgical liposuction by type of procedure, Biorevitalization, Botulinum therapy, Brazilian massage, Skin cleansing by type of procedure, Skin cleansing, Darsonval, Facial hair removal, Hair removal by type of procedure, Hair removal by zones, Chin hair removal, Armpit hair removal, Arm hair removal up to the elbow, Arm hair removal, Upper lip hair removal, Glycolic peeling, Chemical peeling, Injection mesotherapy, Juvederm contour plastic surgery, Facial contour plastic surgery, Contour plastic surgery by medication, Contour plastic surgery by zone, Contour plastic surgery, Laser hair removal of deep bikini, Laser hair removal of the lower leg, Laser hair removal of the chin, Laser hair removal, Laser hair removal of the upper lip, Hair treatment, Non-surgical liposuction, Facial masks, Massage, Facial massage, Massage by type of procedure, Massage by zone, Massage of the cervical-collar area, Scalp mesotherapy, Mesotherapy by zone, Mesotherapy, Hair mesotherapy, Hair mesotherapy, Almond peeling, Hairdressing services, Jessner peeling, Peeling by type of procedure, Peeling, TCA peeling, Piercing, Ear piercing, Plasmolifting, Ear piercing, Salicylic peeling, Hair removal, Treatment procedures for facials, Ultrasonic facial cleansing, Cavitation, Lip augmentation with gel, Lip contouring (lip augmentation)

Adresy salonów

Oktyabrsky район
улица Юрия Гагарина, 29
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu

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Adresy salonów


Ufa, Oktyabrsky р-н

улица Юрия Гагарина, 29
Pokaż grafikę
Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (937) 152-...
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