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Юрий Ищук (Ulyanovsk) Fotograf

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Юрий Ищук

My name is Yuri Ishchuk. I'm a photographer. I have been photographing weddings and portraits since 2009. Participant of many sites related to the wedding and photo industry. I have photographed more than 400 weddings and conduct more than 150 photo sessions annually.

The main task for me is to preserve the warmth of your feelings and the brightness of your emotions for many years. It may sound pretentious, but how great it would be if the bright experiences from viewing a wedding album touch the hearts of not only those who were at the celebration, but also future generations!

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   Wyjazd do regionów Ulyanovsk
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Wyjazd do regionów Ulyanovsk
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (937) 275-...
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