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Анна Викторовна (Volgograd) Psycholog

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Анна Викторовна

Let's get acquainted! My name is Sokolova Anna Viktorovna. I am: a practicing clinical psychologist, a child psychologist-educator, a family psychologist, a certified trainer, a leader of women's psychological groups, a supervisor, a member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League (PPL);

For several years now I have been helping:
- get there;
- understand “what you want” and in which direction to move next;
- increase self-confidence;
- solve problems in sexual life;
- cope with loneliness;
- establish relationships with children and parents;
- get out of codependent relationships (and build harmonious ones);
- build harmonious relationships with yourself, loved ones and others;
- find a way out of a difficult life situation;
- resolve internal conflicts;
- resolve conflicts in relationships;
- cope with feelings of guilt, resentment, obligation;
- work through various complexes;
- cope with feelings of anxiety;
-realize your purpose;
- survive divorces, losses and losses.

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