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Глеб Васнев (Volgograd) Masażysta

Usługi i ceny master Глеб Васнев (4)

Kosmetyka twarzy (1)
Klasyczny masaż twarzy 400 rub / 40 min
Masaż i SPA (3)
Antycellulitowy masaż ciała 400 rub
Masaż leczniczy 400 rub / 45 min
Masaż leczniczy 500 rub / 40 min
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Глеб Васнев

I have a diploma and a valid massage therapist certificate, I am announcing a 10% discount on anti-cellulite massage, cupping massage. The massage procedure is quite simple. The human body is lubricated with oil and then glass, silicone or latex jars are installed. By heating or compressing a vacuum is created in the jars, with the help of which a deep massage occurs. The specialist moves jars with vacuum over the patient’s body, and the force of influence penetrates quite deeply. Typically a session lasts from five minutes to half an hour.

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