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Светлана (Volgograd) Specjalista od tatuażu

Usługi i ceny master Светлана (6)

Tatuaż (6)
Brwi permanentne 3000 rub
Korekcja makijażu permanentnego brwi
Tatuaż na usta 3000 rub
Korekta makijażu permanentnego ust
Kreska cieniowana - makijaż permanentny 2500 rub
Korekta makijażu permanentnego oczu
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Permanent makeup of eyebrows, lips, eyelids. I will add brightness and expressiveness to your image. To say that there is no pain at all is probably a lie. The sensations are tolerable. I definitely use anesthesia. Painful sensations arise from privately wiping the pigment from the surface of the skin - it’s impossible not to wipe, as I won’t be able to see what got into the skin itself and what lies on the surface.

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