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Юлия Ж. (Yekaterinburg) Dietetyk

Usługi i ceny master Юлия Ж. (1)

Rzeźbienie ciała (1)
Konsultacja dietetyka 1000 rub / 60 min
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Юлия Ж.

Nutritionist is about health.

- I am engaged in the nutrition of a healthy person, my task is to select nutritional recommendations;
- creating a healthy diet, helping to instill healthy habits in my clients;
- I understand the chemical composition of products, their compatibility and effects on the body;
- I tell you what a balanced diet is and how to structure your diet so that you get maximum benefit and move towards your goals. Goals can be different: losing weight, gaining weight, normalizing immunity, etc., etc.
- I explain how our body works, how metabolic processes occur, how digestion occurs and what micro- and macro-elements the body needs every day;
- I explain which food groups you need to include in your diet, which foods you can limit, and which you need to completely stop eating;
- I will teach you how to choose products correctly, how to read the ingredients of products, what to prefer and what not;
- you can discuss dietary supplements with me, including sports nutrition;
- I help people take care of their health and cultivate self-love through simple and effective tools.

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