Znajdź specjalisty urody i zdrowia

Евгения Рыбальченко (Krasnodar) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Евгения Рыбальченко (1)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne 1500 rub
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Евгения Рыбальченко

- I work with children, teenagers, adults.
- We will discuss with you personal, marital and child-parent issues.
- The option of face-to-face or online meetings is possible.
- I work in an integrative approach.

You can contact us for a one-time consultation or for long-term work, depending on your readiness.

People usually contact me with questions about:
- relationships with others: parents, partner, children, friends, colleagues, etc.;
- attitude towards oneself: search for meaning, work with self-esteem, personal boundaries, priorities, choice of life path, profession, etc.;
- your emotions: feelings of anxiety, lack of joy, resentment, guilt, working with fears, attitudes, stress, emotional shock, etc.;
- personal growth and development;
- different life situations: pregnancy, moving, changing professional activities, psychological preparation for an important event, etc.

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