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Кирилл Проскурин (Krasnodar) Psycholog

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Кирилл Проскурин

Hello. My name is Kirill Proskurin. I am a psychologist and regressologist. I believe that our inner world is a reflection of our reality. All events in our world, acquaintances, friends are a reflection of our inner world! In our lives there are many different, seemingly incomprehensible situations that are difficult to understand on your own. For this, I believe, a psychologist is needed - precisely the person who can plunge into his inner world, into the depths of himself!
I work in a very interesting method of immersing myself deep into my inner world. This method is something amazing and interesting. This is pure magic! So many interesting things open up for a person that he never even thought about. In this state, you can realize a lot and understand what you didn’t have to understand before! Images of past lives and the future may also emerge. Regression and progression!

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