Kosmetyka twarzy (3) | |
Chirurgia plastyczna twarzy | od 19000 rub |
Zastrzyki z botoksu na twarz | |
Usuwanie blizn | 100000 rub |
Chirurgia plastyczna twarzy (8) | |
Operacja nosa | od 200000 rub |
Blepharoplastyka | od 90000 rub |
Otoplastyka | od 55000 rub |
Operacja redukcji czoła | od 220000 rub |
Chirurgia plastyczna podbródka | od 140000 rub |
Usunięcie poduszek Bichata | od 80000 rub |
Lifting operacyjny twarzy | od 300000 rub |
Przeszczep tłuszczu na twarz | od 100000 rub |
Chirurgia plastyczna ciała (2) | |
Liposukcja | od 35000 rub |
Operacja plastyczna brzucha | od 280000 rub |
Mammoplastyka (chirurgia plastyczna piersi) (4) | |
Podniesienie piersi | 340000 rub |
Zmniejszenie piersi | od 340000 rub |
Plastyka brodawek i otoczek sutkowych | od 200000 rub |
Leczenie ginekomastii u mężczyzn | od 150000 rub |
I perform the full range of plastic surgeries on the face and body, and also eliminate congenital and post-traumatic defects and deformations of the maxillofacial area. Graduated with honors from the Faculty of General Medicine of the Smolensk State Medical Academy. He completed an internship in the specialization “General Surgery” and completed a sub-residency in maxillofacial surgery at the SSMA.
10.02.2022 Olga
Solomon Abrahamyan is a specialist whom you can definitely trust. I myself am a very picky person. It is very difficult to find an approach to me. I decided to undergo contour plastic surgery because I wanted to tighten up the oval of my face. The face, so to speak, swam. It looked terrible. After plastic surgery, the face tightened. Looks beautiful and sophisticated. I am very grateful to the specialist.
M | Chkalovskaya |
Moscow, CAO р-н, Подсосенский перулок, дом 20 А | |
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+7 (910) 111-...
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19.03.2022 Milan
It is a pleasure to deal with such a competent cosmetologist and plastic surgeon as Solomon. I had blepharoplasty. Solomon is a great professional. Works delicately. Just like a jeweler. Rehabilitation went quickly. I'm very pleased with the result. The look even changed. The reflection in the mirror makes me happy. I’m glad that I decided and that I trusted Solomon.