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Христиана Лущевская (Moscow) Psycholog

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Христиана Лущевская

My name is Christiana. I am a personal coach for personal growth and personal effectiveness, development of awareness. Member of the International Professional Association of Coaches and Trainers IPACT. Certified psychologist-consultant and art therapist (Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy), specialist in reading rave cards, coach of the new code. I work remotely and in live meetings. By deciphering your rave card (human design, bodygraph), I help you understand your psychoenergetic talents and vulnerabilities. Your card contains detailed instructions for your self-realization and freeing your mind from destructive thoughts and decisions. This knowledge will help you take a fresh look at yourself and understand what exactly is stopping you from reaching your 100% potential. You will gain self-confidence and begin to interact more effectively with other people. A simple understanding of yourself and your nature will allow you to make the right decisions for you.

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