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Anastassiya Bardakova (Omsk) Dietetyk

Usługi i ceny master Anastassiya Bardakova (1)

Rzeźbienie ciała (1)
Konsultacja dietetyka 2500 rub
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Anastassiya Bardakova

My journey in the field of rationalizing nutrition and improving the quality of life did not start just like that. At my young age, due to severe stress, I developed problems with the gastrointestinal tract and
hormonal background. A jump in weight, disruption of the digestive system, and, as a result, poor absorption of useful elements, hormonal dysfunction, problems with the health of hair and nails, skin, sleep, fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy, apathy - all this is familiar to me firsthand. I started to figure this out myself in order to save my health, then I underwent professional retraining and defended my diploma in order to help you too. I will be glad to see everyone.

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