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Cветлана Лапутина (Rostov-on-Don) Psycholog

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Cветлана Лапутина

I am a practical psychologist, Gestalt therapist. More than 10 years of practical experience. Currently I am actively consulting on Skype. It turned out that this has certain advantages. Including maintaining anonymity, if the client wishes. And the quality of consultations does not suffer.

As a result of the consultation, you will be able to:
• Recognize opportunities for restoring relationships, build harmonious relationships.
• Understand how to resolve a conflict situation.
• Free yourself from negative emotional states, gain peace of mind.
• You will be able to increase your self-esteem, free yourself from fears and unnecessary worries.
• Energy and desire to live, change and act will appear, create a resourceful positive state.
• Eliminate the obstacles that stopped you and did not allow you to act, and find the optimal solution to your problem.
• Know how to make your dream come true, what ideal plan is possible to achieve your goal.

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