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Анна Наймушина (Saratov) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Анна Наймушина (1)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne 1500 rub
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Анна Наймушина

My name is Anna Naimushina.

Using yoga practice, we learn to feel your body using simple, intuitive exercises. I pay attention to what a person does every day: the ability to stand - walk, sit and sleep - relax. My task is to give the body the opportunity to “remember” the exercises on the mat so that they become part of everyday life. To do this, along with asanas, breathing, relaxation, I teach how to work with attention in your own body. This practice becomes part of the practitioner’s life. Yoga moves from the mat into everyday life. It is easier for a person to walk, bend over, sit, fall asleep, that is, perform all the usual actions in life, because they are performed at a more conscious level.

A well-structured yoga practice helps a person become aware of fears, negative beliefs and destructive emotions. All that is an obstacle to a harmonious and healthy life.

The body knows how to function as efficiently as possible. Yoga helps to “remember” this state.

At the first orientation lesson, a goal is set within the framework of practice.

The number of classes is discussed individually.

I work in the center of Saratov and online.

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U specjalisty w domu
Saratov, Oktyabrsky dist, Московская улица, 47
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Recepcja domowa

Saratov, Oktyabrsky р-н, Московская улица, 47
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (903) 329-...
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