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Saint Petersburg

Игорь Савин (Saint Petersburg) Trener fitness

Usługi i ceny master Игорь Савин (2)

Trening (2)
Osobisty trening fitness 700 rub
Безлимит на 1 месяц 3000 rub
Абонемент в зал (1)
Безлимит на 1 месяц 3000 rub
Połącz taryfę

Игорь Савин

I have been working as a trainer-teacher at a fitness college for quite a long time, I am involved in methodological work and during this time I have accumulated a large amount of knowledge on the topic of training, health, movement, nutrition and posture and I really want to share this knowledge. My training includes techniques and techniques from different areas of fitness, this is what makes the approach unique and effective. For everyone, I try to choose a safe and productive method of working in training.

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