Kosmetyka twarzy (11) | |
Peeling chemiczny | |
Peeling Jessnera | 5000 rub |
Kwas migdałowy na twarz | 3000 rub |
Peeling PRX-T33 | 6000 rub |
Biorewitalizacja skóry twarzy | 8000 rub |
Chirurgia plastyczna twarzy | |
Powiększanie ust | 14000 rub |
Powiększanie kości policzkowych | 17000 rub |
Korekcja bruzdy nosowo-łzowej | 17500 rub |
Niechirurgiczna korekta podbródka | 17000 rub |
Nici liftingujące (mezowątki) | 33000 rub |
Graduated from the Dagestan State Medical Academy, internship in dermatovenerology at the North-Western State Medical University named after. I. I. Mechnikova (Northwestern State Medical University). She underwent professional retraining at the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University and at the Central Multidisciplinary Institute in Moscow. Karina Abdulaevna was awarded the qualification “Cosmetician of the third category”, Connessance Training Center.
M | Institute of Technology |
Saint Petersburg, Admiralteyskiy р-н, ул. Смоленская, д. 14, стр. 1 | |
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