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Марина Шадина (Rostov-on-Don) Psycholog

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Марина Шадина

Looking for a psychotherapist? The answer to your request has been found. But first you need to understand the basic concepts. The concept of “psychotherapy” comes from the Greek “psyche” - “soul” and “therapy” - “care, care, treatment”. In our country there is a psychotherapist (this is a psychiatrist who has received additional education in psychotherapy) and a psychologist-psychotherapist (he has a psychological education and additional education in psychotherapy). Most often, psychotherapy involves non-drug (psychological) methods of influence and can act as an independent type of help or as part of a comprehensive psychiatric treatment. Psychotherapy differs from psychology and psychiatry.

An ordinary psychiatrist provides exclusively medication assistance. Other types of assistance are not within its competence. Just like a psychologist cannot prescribe medications. A psychologist-psychotherapist works with “clients,” that is, with people who have psychological problems or difficult life situations. After consultation, such a specialist may recommend that you consult a psychiatrist.
Sometimes such complex treatment (medicines + psychotherapy) is necessary. A psychiatrist works with “patients”. His work includes, among other things, providing mental health care to people in acute psychosis when other types of care are not available. The main commandment of a psychotherapist and a psychologist-psychotherapist is the same - do no harm.

What does a psychotherapist do? Psychotherapy is a type of psychological help. It involves the use of special methods, techniques and exercises, as a result of which the existing problem (psychological) is resolved. This could be getting rid of negative emotions, changing beliefs to more adaptive ones, accepting the situation, improving well-being, getting rid of a psychosomatic illness, improving adaptation, resolving the problem of choice, etc. There is only one criterion here. The goal must be realistic and achievable.

The effectiveness of psychotherapy has long been scientifically proven. Various psychotherapeutic methods allow you to cope with neuroses, depression, fears, panic attacks, phobias, sexual disorders, deep-seated personal problems and internal conflicts. This is not a complete list of indications for psychotherapeutic effects. But there are also contraindications.
These are psychiatric diseases, states of acute psychosis and a sharply negative attitude towards psychotherapy. Many people think that a psychotherapist deals exclusively with chatter. In fact, the first stage of communication with the client uses the structured conversation method. Therefore, if it seems to you that you are talking about nothing, this is not so. An experienced psychotherapist knows how to structure a psychotherapeutic conversation. And believe me, there are no unnecessary or unnecessary words.

There are more than 350 psychological (psychotherapeutic) methods. Of course, no specialist can master them at the same time. But a good psychologist-psychotherapist uses several methods in his work. Since mastery of only one method limits the work of a specialist.
I use an integrative approach in my professional work, that is, I work with the client using the method that is most suitable for him, taking into account the characteristics of his psyche. I will list the psychotherapeutic methods that I use - psychoanalysis, psychosynthesis, symbolic drama, hypnotherapy, sex therapy, cognitive therapy, rational-emotive, art therapy, group and family therapy, body-oriented and existential therapy techniques.

No psychotherapeutic method is a panacea. In this context, it is impossible to compare methods, which one is better, which one is worse. To each his own. Hypnosis is often credited with absolutely incredible qualities, but in fact, hypnosis is one of the methods of psychotherapy and is not at all mystical. It has its advantages and its limitations, like any method.

As I said, there are hundreds of psychotherapy methods. I will list some of them: Gestalt therapy, psychodrama, bibliotherapy, music and color therapy, film therapy, behavioral, game, dolphin therapy, logotherapy, dance movement, transactional analysis, etc. It is impossible to list all the methods. By the way, religion can also be classified as psychotherapy. As well as conspiracies, love spells, prayers. These are unscientific methods, but sometimes they work.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that you can get rid of your psychological problems, improve the quality of your life, make it more comfortable and happy. This is why there is psychotherapy and psychotherapists. The choice is yours.

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