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Ирина Лагутина (Volgograd) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Ирина Лагутина (1)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne 3000 rub
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Ирина Лагутина

My name is Irina Lagutina. I help women regain lost parts of themselves and their Power. By getting to know themselves as different, accepting their feelings that were once excluded, their strengths and weaknesses, my clients begin to value themselves more. Intuition turns on, or more precisely, you begin to hear it and trust yourself more. It will be easier for you to make decisions based on your true desires and needs, without regard to others.

In our work together, I will create the conditions for the changes that you need at this moment, and support you along this path.

I don't teach women what they should be. I invite women to determine for themselves what they really need at the moment and get answers from within themselves, their Soul.

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Volgograd, Central dist, Невская улица, 4А
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Volgograd, Central р-н, Невская улица, 4А
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (903) 316-...
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